17 Apr 2023

Celebrating the young workforce at RHC

Celebrating the young workforce at RHC

The RHC believes that Scotland’s young workforce should be celebrated and we’re proud to work with talented young people from across Scotland and beyond, who make a huge contribution to our venue.

2018 is the Year of Young People in Scotland, presenting the perfect opportunity to reflect upon the hard work that younger members of our workforce undertake to make RHC the venue of choice for event organisers and guests alike.

One of the newest additions to the team RHC, is the assistant event planner, Rebecca Simpson. Since joining the RHC three months ago, Rebecca has already established herself as a key member of our team.

Rebecca discusses her role at RHC, her experience to date, and her advice for other young people hoping for a career in the events industry.

What it’s like working at RHC

Being a part of the event planning team at RHC is a fantastic experience. Working as an assistant event planner, I’m responsible for the planning and execution of a variety of events covering the coordination of show and exhibition spaces and overseeing event operations from our control centre.

It might sound clichéd, but it’s true – no two days are the same at RHC. I’ve already worked with a wide range of different clients, helping to coordinate sporting events, exhibitions and concerts, to name just a few. I am also working with a lot of new people and learning to anticipate different clients’ needs so I’m picking up a whole host of skills along the way.

My journey to date

The events industry is a very competitive sector. Standing out from the crowd is a challenge. I began by studying for an HNC in events and then went on to graduate from Edinburgh Napier with a degree in Festivals & Event Management.

From there, I set out to gain as much experience as I possibly could. I worked with a large-scale concert promoter in Glasgow, which involved working in multiple venues assisting with live music and entertainment events. From there, I went on to run events with the BBC as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and also provided event and production management support for Children in Need.

Working in events, you’re really thrown in at the deep end, and it’s up to you to make the most of the opportunities you’re given. To succeed, you need to work hard and put in the hours – at times I worked up to 18 hours a day. Although this was sometimes quite tiring, personally, I relished the challenge and found the experience very rewarding.

The position at the RHC appealed to me due to the diverse range of events the venue hosts. With over 200 events a year, I knew it would offer a great opportunity to learn about the industry from a venue’s perspective.

My biggest highlights at RHC… and my greatest challenges

Working on such a diverse range of events has been a real highlight for me so far. It shows how adaptable a venue the RHC is. It’s fantastic to be working within a space that is so unique and different. A great example of this was when we hosted Terminal V over Easter – we were able to capture that festival feeling that’s so hard to reproduce in other, less versatile venues.

At times, working with so many organisers have been a challenge, as each one differs. Knowing which methods of communication are preferred, as well as understanding which needs are most important for particular clients is so important – it’s all about communication and collaboration.

I’m lucky to be supported by such a great team, and I’ve been able to shadow colleagues to really get to grips with the role and understand its requirements. A lot of what I do necessitates on-the-job learning, as event planning can be pretty unpredictable. It’s so exciting to be learning as I go and to be responding to different types of challenges every day.

My advice for aspiring event workers


Experience is key! In a competitive industry, you must have a wealth of experience to stand out, so don’t be afraid to take those opportunities that come to you, however small they may appear - you never know where they will lead to. There are so many small jobs you can take on, to begin with, so start enquiring and get your name out there! As well as gaining experience, you’ll also be gaining contacts. Put in the hard work and the long hours, and don’t give up!

The hours are long, the work can be hard at times, but when you’re passionate about what you do, it’s all worth it.

Our experienced staff deliver an efficient and reliable service – that’s part of what makes RHC the venue of choice for both event organisers and guests.

Interested in hosting an event with us? Get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.