Community Info
Community Info

Welcome to the Our Community information page. On this page will be everything you need to know as a local resident or local business to the Royal Highland Centre. The information will be updated at least two weeks prior to each event with relevant information for all events listed below.


Posted; 11 Jul 2023

What events are going on this year at The Royal Highland Centre?

Please click this link to see a list of all our exciting events at the Royal Highland Centre in 2023.

Posted; 10 Jul 2023

How can I contact you?

On major event days, we have a community hotline that is answered by our Community Engagement Liaison Officer. The number is 07375 332740

For any comments or questions that you may have prior to the event, please contact us on the email address: [email protected]

Posted; 9 Jul 2023

Why is there road signage on my street?

All events have dedicated traffic management plans to ensure safe access for attendees and minimal disruption to main traffic routes. For most events held on site we encourage the use of our North Car Park; encouraging all traffic to enter off Ingliston Road. For the Royal Highland Show we use both our East and West car parks along with a comprehensive traffic management plan to direct traffic effectively.

We work closely with our tram and bus partners (Lothian Buses and Lothian Trams) to extend services across our major events. We also supply shuttle buses to and from Ingliston Park and Ride to support this service. Through strong marketing and communications, we encourage event attendees to use public transport both to and from our events.

We also supply a dedicated drop off and pick up point for all of our events. This is often located within our North Car Park but can be easily found by following the directional signage in place from the A8, Hallyards Rd, Eastfield Rd and Ingliston Rd.

Details of any traffic related measures will be published in our community e-newsletters closer to the event day. If you wish to sign up for these communications, please contact us
on: [email protected]

Posted; 8 Jul 2023

Why are there stewards along the A8?

During all live public events we install a detailed security operation. This includes the deployment of several community engagement stewards positioned along numerous points adjacent to our site. These stewards help to usher attendees towards transport hubs and give guidance to those who require directions to get home.

Posted; 7 Jul 2023

Why can I hear event music from my house?

For all of our live music events we work closely with an independent noise monitoring consultant. This company works alongside the event promoters and their production team to continuously monitor the noise levels across multiple locations both within and out with our site. Our Community Liaison Officer supports the monitoring of external locations out with our site boundaries.

Should you have any concerns regarding the levels of noise generated during the events here at RHC, in the first instance (and to enable the fastest response time from the event delivery team) you should contact the community hotline or drop us an email with a contact number so we can respond as promptly as possible.